Michael Klasno

Martin Luther King Jr. once said that, “Faith is taking the first step in the dark even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” None of us can see life’s whole staircase, and sometimes that’s scary.

About Me

I am an American Patriot, my Father and his brothers, my grandfather and his father and fathers before him were American Patriots. Without such men this nation would have perished not long after the Tea Party. The patriots involved in the birth of this nation shed gallons of blood and the framers of our Constitution knew that freedom was the most important aspect of human life. An inalienable right from our creator.

I am an Evangelical Christian – My Faith in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is the most important element of my being. As an Evangelical I believe in the fundamentals of Christianity, i.e. the foundational beliefs that Jesus Christ died for my sins and that if I repent and believe He can, will, and in fact has saved me. Inherent in that belief; is that the Bible is God’s Word and without error in the original manuscripts.

I don’t know where you stand in your personal walk with God, but I do know He loves you and is waiting for you to make the choice. Even if you have made some bad choices in the past, He still wants you with Him. You only need to ask Him to come into your life.

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